IE Assignment – Nascent entrepreneur’s internationalisation report (essay) structure

For the purpose of International Entrepreneurship module assignment,
students are required to develop a new international business idea
(enterprise) individually. Such businesses idea is developed and
submitted using PebblePad platform (online tools) which has been
made available (embedded) with the module blackboard site.
Students will be introduced to the PebblePad online tools and further
guidelines and instructions will also be made available on the module bb
The following ten headings/subheadings are components (of the
assignment that you should populate (complete) based on your new
business idea as stated/required in the assignment criteria.
Students are permitted to add/amend some headings/subheadings as
and when it is absolutely necessary, but this needs to be agreed with
your tutor.
Attending the pebblePad platform and assignment instruction session is
mandatory to benefit from the expert advice and demonstration.
Although it is assumed that your new business idea is based (HQ) in the
UK as the context of this essay, you are free to make another
assumption/suggestion with prior consultation with your tutor.
The copy of your portfolio report, in words or pdf format should be
submitted to the module blackboard Turntin submission point.
- Introduction
● Briefly introduce (inform) the reader about the overview (snapshot)
of your report.
Scope for IE relevant theories:
● The relevance of IE within the contemporary context of IB
● The rationale of IE for innovation, economic and societal growth
Please also include your details: Full Name, ID, Tutor’s name, etc., - Business Idea
● Provide clear descriptions and specifications of your innovative
and creative business idea (product/service) including what you
consider are unique and internationally scalable.
● Video, audio and other creative innovative supporting materials
about your product/service needed to be developed by yourself
demonstrating its authenticity, your (founder’s) entrepreneurial
attributes and experience all of which are considered as the merits
of your grade.
● Founder’s and potential business associate’s skills, experience,
qualifications and assets relevant to the business idea.
Scope for IE relevant theories:
● Entrepreneur’s personality traits,
● Business opportunities-discovery versus creation
● The role of founder’s background, education, passion and
● Early rapidly internationalising small firms
- International target market and customer segments
● Present research informed findings and justifications about the
selected international target market and identified customer
segments for your business.
● You also need to provide the underpinning theoretical explanations
and justifications for the selected international target market and
customer segment(s).
● Please avoid random selections and decisions.
● You need to support your arguments and the development of your
new business idea using conceptual frameworks such as, Value
Proposition Canvas and Business Model Canvas.
Scope for IE relevant theories:
● Value proposition Canvas
● Business Model Canvas
● Customer segmentation
● Global market trends, changes and opportunities (current
and compelling data)
● Target market macro environment and industry analysis
● - Networks
● Here, you need to present identified networks including potential
partners, collaborators and supporters who would enhance your
business success internationally. You must also support your
discussions with the relevant theoretical explanations and
Scope for IE relevant theories:
● The role of networking
● Means of networking (personal, social, organisational and
professional media)
● Weak ties
● Strong ties
- Risks
● You must demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of
associated business risks and mechanisms of overcoming
(minimising) them whilst operating in the international market.
Such as; intellectual property (IP), country risks, etc.,
Scope for IE relevant theories:
● IP infringement
● Country risk,
● Political risk,
● Regulatory risk,
● Currency risk,
● - Source of Finance and business support
● Here, you need to present alternative sources of finance and
available business support that you have to evidence with
research informed data and examples.
● You are not alone! If you have a creative and innovative business
idea that is internationally scalable, but you need to identify such
provision of support and source of finance for your business.
Scope for IE relevant theories:
Equity vs Debt Finance - Route of internationalisation
Seed finance
Angel finance
Equity crowdfunding
Venture capital
Corporate venture capital
Private equity
IP/public offering
Start-up loan
Bank loan/bond
Peer to peer lending
Asset-based finance
Leasing or hire purchase
Export or trade finance
Growth finance
● You need to present convincing arguments about the appropriate
route of internationalisation that you have selected (considered) for
your particular business (product/service) whilst making reference
to and associated reasons with the particular business sector and
industry such as; trends, challenges and opportunities.
Scope for IE relevant theories:
● Theories of internationalisation
● Upsala models vs born global
● Market entry strategies (export, licensing, franchising, JV, etc.)
- Conclusion
● Here you need to present (reiterate) the key summary of your
report and provide appropriate recommendations relevant to your
business. - Reference
● You must strictly adhere to the APA Referencing System - Appendix
● Here is where you could attach additional data, examples and
evidence that would support your report.
● Materials attached here are not necessarily marked separately but
would be considered as an integral part of your report that you
would cite within the main body of your essay as supplementary
● However, please use your reasonable judgment do not present
excessive materials in this section.